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When it comes to the best way to change your eye colour, it makes sense to head straight to the one place that has all the top names in true quality coloured contact lenses and gives you all the right products to make the most of your new look. That’s exactly what you get when you head online to MesmerEyez and see the incredible range of Natural, Halloween, Cosplay and Fancy Dress lenses and fabulous accessories.

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It’s not just enough to have a superb and stunning variety of the latest Halloween contact lenses on offer, there’s even the ability to choose if you want each look for 1 Day, 1 Month, 3 Months or for the whole year long. That’s the magic of getting a great pair of superior coloured lenses and making it work for you and your individual needs. The best part is that each and every pair of these amazing coloured eye contacts and products comes with a quality that is second to none.

If ever there was a look that took everyone’s breath away and made you instantly famous for all the right reasons, it has to be the freak out factor that comes with Full Eye Sclera Black lenses. You can add something extra special to your look with the best in special FX make-up or keep your precious coloured lenses safe, secure and hygienic with the MesmerEyez trusted Contact Lens
Solution and Case
to make the magic last longer.

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Don't Forget
Contact Lens Applicator8.99
Contact Lens Solution & Case22.99
Mesmereyez Luxury Cosmetic Contact Kit18.99
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