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Green 3 Month 1 Month Yellow Brown eye-blue Xtreme Contact Lenses

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When you are looking through all the options of the most incredible coloured contact lenses, you know there are great shades in natural coloured lenses, but what about something that’s a little more ‘out there’. This the cue to get into the most sensational range of Halloween contact lenses that will spark the imagination and open the door to a whole world of possibilities. That’s why you just have to try a pair of the quality collection of Xtreme coloured contacts and see where the looks can take you.


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If you’re one of those coloured contact wearers who likes nothing more than to defy convention and create a look that’s more than just Instaworthy, then these are the lenses for you. For a drop dead gorgeous look for your next Halloween, Cosplaying, Fancy Dress parties, even making the most of a Comi-Con event, you have the ticket to total transformation.

These special style of coloured contacts go beyond just being high-quality lenses, they go all out to really defy the senses. Just imagine the attention you can get when you step out in your fabulous new pair of Dead White lenses. You can become one of the most death defying creatures of the Undead variety by popping in a set of Zombie Grey contacts or why not go all out in the freak out stakes by wearing a killer pair of Berzerker Halloween lenses? With the spine chilling styles that are now yours in the Xtreme range of coloured contacts, there is nothing stopping you from being the heart-stopping legend at the next party.

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