The super sensational Sclera contact lenses
There’s great coloured contact lenses around, but there’s nothing quite like the freaky effect you get from Sclera contact lenses.
These are not just ‘Ooh!’ and ‘Geez’ kind of lenses. These are the ‘wet your pants’, ‘run for the door’, ‘waaaaaaah!!’ screamingly scary coloured lenses we’re talking about.
Now there’s no special guarantee that your look in coloured lenses is going to get the response you thought they would. The difference is that you will not only get some over the top reactions, but you could be the one who is freaked out the most.
Just one look in the mirror when you’re wearing your Sclera contacts and you could:
- Faint
- Scream
- Freeze in fear
- Wet yourself
- Do something else that is better done in a small private room starting with T.
You can’t say you haven’t been warned. Just remember to take a deep breath before you look at yourself in your Sclera contacts and to hold onto something in case you get woozy.
Be careful with your Sclera lenses
You might be wondering if wearing Sclera contacts is dangerous.
No – not if you buy proper quality lenses and you look after them properly.
The only danger is that you could end up talking to the police. Here’s why…
You pull up to fill up your tank at a service station and then go in to pay. The attendant asks which pump you were at and then they catch a look at your eyes – and not just Your eyes – THOSE eyes – the ones with the freaky lenses in. Then they:
- Call the police
- Scream and throw things at you to make you leave
- Hide under the counter until you’ve gone
- Just stand there frozen in fear and unable to speak
The thing is that anyone else who pops in to top up will think there’s some serious shift going down and they will probably call the cops too.
There’s an easy way to avoid having to explain yourself down at the police station – Take out your Sclera contact lenses when you are not at the fancy dress or Halloween party.
They’re too precious to have confiscated and you don’t need to scare the pants off a police officer.
The special ingredient for dressing up is all yours
What’s so special about wearing Sclera lenses? It’s pretty easy to explain.
You have no eye colour. None, zilch, zero, nada, nil and nothing of your own eye showing at all.
That’s not just special, that’s especially eerie and freaky. Oh and it’s a hell of a lot of fun to have that power in the way you look.
Just think how fab you can be at your next Fancy Dress or Halloween event. These little pockets of amazing can turn any outfit into something outstanding in next to no time.
Don’t leave them to do all the heavy lifting though. Choose an outfit that needs a freaky element to it and then add some special FX make-up and Boom! You are going to blow people away.
These really are the dynamite lenses you’ve dreamed of wearing.
Time to get your freak on
If you’ve never worn a pair of Sclera contact lenses before, then you are in for one hell of an amazing treat. Just keep in mind that you might need to take them for a bit of a ‘test drive’ just so you are comfortable seeing yourself in a reflection.
You don’t want to be all dressed up and then making yourself flinch or jump every time you catch a glimpse of yourself in your Sclera lenses.
These could be your new best friends when it comes to dressing up for Halloween, Cosplay and a Fancy Dress party. It’s one of the best choices you could make for a winning look.
The only question you will need to answer is do you go with the Full Sclera or Mini Sclera contacts? It doesn’t really matter too much, because the best of both worlds are at MesmerEyez.
The special range are all yours and all EU quality tested and certified.
For a haunting look like nothing else you’ve seen before, go with the top Halloween, Cosplay and fancy dress lenses. You can get a seriously sensational style happening today. The only name you need to know is MesmerEyez.
Transform yourself into freakily fabulous - 24/7.