Remember your New Year’s resolution? Have you already dropped it?
How long did last year’s last? Lucky if it saw the first week of February probably.
It could be get fit, get a new job, new place, even a new car, a new hairstyle, turn over a new leaf – whatever the leaf is.
Let’s just cut to the chase. You want something new for YOU.
What about a new look that last longer than a haircut? Imagine a new pair of eyes.
There’s a new beauty contact lenses can give you. You’re already special – don’t get me started on that sad sack crapola again. You are! But – we can all get a little bored with the way we look sometimes.
A new dress can be lovely – and you hope you look great in it for more than month. Truth is you can’t wear it every day. It’s not a uniform.
A new hairstyle can pep up your personality but after a week or two, you’re probably growing out of the idea of it being NEW.
Now – let’s talk how to bring out your best with the best colored contact lenses to suit you.
This will be a WOW!
With a big, loud, ”Watch Out World!” – Did you know that’s what W.O.W stands for?
Well, it does now! We’re talking your whole way of life is in for a kick-start, kick-arse, bit of razzle dazzle.
Just think of your best friend and suddenly they’ve got a pretty nifty new haircut - looks good.
Then think of them with a new outfit that suits them down to the ground – looking great.
THEN you see them and you don’t even know what it is that’s new but they’ve got it Going On! And you look at them more closely and it’s their eyes that are sparkling. The sparkle is new.
Maybe they’ve gone from blue to brown or brown to blue. Could be a misty green or a mysterious grey – whatever the change it is pretty damn awesome.
There’s a special beauty contact lenses can bring out. Why not you?
Changing your look should be fun. It’s the same with changing or enhancing your eye colour.
Don’t go through surgery to make a change. Oh and sorry those “I don’t want to be old” ladies with the pulled back faces with skin that looks like the shiny leather bags they’re holding – you don’t look younger – you look kinda weird. Ring the plastic surgeon for a refund. Seriously, make the call.
Where was I? Oh yeah…
It’s fun to make little changes and coloured contact lenses are a great way to add a little magic to your world. You can try them for a little fun at a party or just to try life with a little difference.
What are going to be the best colored contact lenses for you?
The first step is to know what colours suit you.
No! No-one looks good in mustard yellow – no-one!
What season are you? You know the whole – Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer thing.
For Summer types it’s usually a cool tone of skin – probably ash-blonde or light brown hair – that’s a Summer.
A cool skin tone with medium to dark brown or black hair and you’re more a Winter wonder.
Spring types have a warm tone of skin with and golden blonde or light brown hair.
Autumn is anyone with a warm skin tone and red, auburn, dark brown or black hair with red, gold or chestnut coming through.
Then think about what colour clothing do you look best in? You know, the ones you get the most compliments for? Stick to the colour, not the outfit – hotpants don’t count, unless you’re Kylie!
Whatever the colours are will give you a good idea about your best coloured contact lenses.
Don’t make it a science though – remember, it’s supposed to be fun!
Get yourself going and get yourself a special beauty contact lenses can give you.
Try some today and you’ll start mesmerizing. It doesn’t cost a million bucks to look a million bucks. Head to colored contact headquarters – MesmerEyez.
A look from Heaven – 24/7.